We are a team based in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore.

You can reach us at the following emails

  • Low Shu Min Samantha - e0424934@u.nus.edu
  • Tan Rui Xuan - e0425237@u.nus.edu
  • Tan Ying Jie, Dexter - e0014706@u.nus.edu
  • Wong Jun Long - e0415698@u.nus.edu
  • Yen Pin Hsuan - e0425443@u.nus.edu

Project team

Low Shu Min Samantha

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Team Lead
  • Responsibilities: UI

Tan Rui Xuan

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Developer
  • Responsibilities: Testing, Logic

Tan Ying Jie, Dexter

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Lead Developer
  • Responsibilities: Integration, Model, Git Expert

Wong Jun Long

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Developer
  • Responsibilities: Code Quality, Scheduling + Tracking, Storage

Yen Pin Hsuan

[github] [portfolio]

  • Role: Developer
  • Responsibilities: Documentation, Deliverables and Deadlines, Logic